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Brainbox Artificial Intelligence

Tardid launches its AI Lab, the world's first lab to test structural and machine health in real-time

The AI Lab makes it possible for industry stake holders to come and test the concept and viability of AI deployment for their critical industrial assets be it for structures or machineries. The lab also provides a detailed view of the disruptive nature of the Brainbox AI technology

Pipeline Health Monitoring

Cracks, leaks and wall loss

check and run the live detection of pipeline anomalies and its damage prognosis

  • detect cracks and wall losses (methods to validate)

  • leakage in pipe, flanges, manifolds, risers

  • stress concentrations and distribution


Experience SPICA

Try and test the SPICA capabilities in live

deployed for live LPG cylinder health detection and remaining life  

a novel hybrid metric learning approach to combine multiple heterogenous statistics for robust image set classification.

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